London Seedcamp Week just finished up last week and there was a presence from Central and Eastern Europe, with Futurelytics, TruckTrack, and GateMe obtaining funding and Language Accelerator, ListenApp, Sizem, Teddy the Guardian, and SociaLook also showcasing their products and services. Some of these, such as Sizem are already familiar to us, but most will new to most readers.
Futurelytics from Czech Republic is a platform which attempts to harness the power of Big Data. It aims to increase revenue of a business by analyzing the behavior of its existing customers. The service rates customers, groups them into actionable segments, and then provides suggestions for more-effective marketing campaigns.
TruckTrack from Serbia is one of the 4 winners at Seedcamp Berlin 2013. Offers a cloud-based platform to businesses to enable them to assess driver performance, to track the status of the licenses for their trucks, manage clients, and other features. Also offers a central point from which the company can ship and receive documents.
GateMe from Estonia allows night clubs to sell tickets for events, provides electronic guest-lists, offers email notifications with information about the number of guests expected and nightly entrance revenues, provides a tool for visualizing floor plans, etc. It claims 721 clubs as customers on their site.
Language Accelerator from Estonia has previously participated in the 2013 MassChallenge. The service utilizes mathematical optimization of the learning process to help users to learn any language within 200 hours (approximately 8.33 days).
ListenApp from Croatia provides an app which allows users to consume the most-popular stories of the day in minute-long chunks. Offers news by audio and video and is available for download on iOS, Android, Windows Phone, and BlackBerry.
Sizem from Croatia is an app which helps woman to identify their ideal bra size and to find bras which actually fit properly and comfortably.
Teddy the Guardian from Croatia offers teddy bears filled with medical sensors, which can be used to monitor the heart rate, blood pressure, oxygen saturation, and body temperature of the child holding the toy. When the child offers the toy a finger or puts Teddyâs paw against his or her forehead, the information is wirelessly transmitted to apps on the phones of the parents of the children. The service has already obtained FDA and CE approval.
SociaLook from Romania provides a system for converting employees into brand ambassadors. Employees which are the most active, influential, or positive about the brand on social-media sites can be identified and selected for participation in advocacy campaigns. Then, managers can push brand-related content out onto the web through these employees. There are leaderboards and games as part of the system, which is designed to encourage participation by employees. The system is designed to provide managers with information on how successfully their employees are generating sales leads and pushing the brand through social media.
In this recent infographics you can find more about Seedcamp performance over the past years.